A Digital Transformation journey

a person smiling for the camera

What exactly needs to be transformed?

For some, a digital transformation (DT) is like trying to manage chaos. How do you even know w在这里 to start? 而对其他人来说, they presume a successful digital transformation is nothing more than a technology upgrade.

Yet, to be truly successful, DT requires a fundamental change in the way a company conducts business.

ALE - DT的演变
When I arrived at ALE as CIO in Fall 2017, it was to focus on the evolution of the company’s digital transformation. My goal was to take this innovative technology company on a journey that would make it a role model for its channel partners and customers as they seek out their own digital transformation efforts.

How do you reach the full potential of a digital transformation, particularly when righting the ship of a nearly 100 years old company? Hopefully, your business isn’t too engrained for change but it if is, seek out a change agent. 然后开始 recognizing and understanding what exactly needs to be transformed.

正如我提到的, the goal at ALE is to be a role model, so we took that and led with quality as the key to differentiate us from our competitors. To ensure that the digital transformation of our business and the levels of quality became strong company assets, we created a Digital Transformation & 质量组织, which was built around product quality, customer experience and the company’s operating model to maintain simplicity and efficiency.

These changes then helped to reshape how the organization viewed technology and its direct impact on the business. Because simply adding new capabilities, like choosing an analytics application or expanding your customer relationship management system, is not a digital transformation. 但深入挖掘, 例如, to ensure information is available, accessible and useable via any device and location, gives your organization a means to reinvent processes, technologies and products that drive performance.

The idea behind creating a Digital Factory team is to focus and support the business on standardized technology. By this I mean providing a single approach and system to complete tasks that help the business scale operations at the lowest possible cost. 记住, it’s not about a specific technology platform, it’s about an organizational view of technology. And of course, this resonates in the IT department. But what about the rest of the company and the average employee?

Guiding an organization for a digital transformation undertaking can be challenging. Most companies have an embedded culture, which can mean a slow change. Queue up the change agent factor because this is w在这里 asking “Why?开始发挥作用. The change agent holds a non-bias to the past… and is a cheerleader for the future. What happens next is the answers to the “Why?” reveal shortcomings in organizational culture and this can often be one of the main barriers to a company’s digital future success. This is the point w在这里 it becomes a crossroad for leaders to create a digital culture to move forward.   

Reinforce your new digital culture
What reinforces a new digital culture, you ask? As with any company initiative, applying a vision often starts at the top and requires a trickle-down approach. Getting managers to support digital transformation will ensure your business evolves to its highest potential. The role of the manager should be to make decisions quickly, empower their team to develop new skills while also implying on employees their role in promoting a new digital culture. You may even want to create a small, agile team which works in fast cycles on projects that improve the business.

在ALE,我们创造了 数码影像工作室. It is w在这里 small temporary teams join-together to tackle specific topics with the target to create maximum value as quickly as possible. Supply Chain Transformation was 数码影像工作室’s pilot project aimed first at improving customer delivery to support our customer experience targets. Without going into too many details, the conflict we heard was that customers said our deliveries were not as timely as our systems showed. 罪魁祸首? 软件。. Because software can be delivered almost instantly, this data was overshadowing the additional time it took for the hardware to arrive.

The 数码影像工作室 increased the accessibility of all data of the full process. For example, we integrated the stock level data with customer orders. This small enhancement saved a ton of time analyzing the unsecured order backlog. This helped the operations team to focus on their job and avoid losing time with data manipulation. In the end, addressing the issues improved the on-time delivery by 15%.

My best advice to any business on their digital transformation journey is to do your best to have a clear idea of your company’s digital ambition. This will help measure progress, see successes and challenges, all while shaping the culture of your business.

In November 2018 I’ll be sharing detailed findings and future insight at The Digital Transformation and Technology summit 2018. Take a look at the event to help further assess how you company should evolve to extract the most value from digital technologies and business models. You could gain a digital strategy roadmap and be ready to make transformation happen in your company! http://www.platinumedgegrp.com/digital-transformation-and-technology-summit/

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Executive Vice President, Business Technology & 质量、啤酒

Piotr has over 20 years leadership experience in IT, operations and services at C-level. He most recently held the role of CIO 服务 and Advanced Analytics at GE Renewable Energy. Piotr has created and executed broad, innovative strategies to leverage digital as a competitive weapon using data analytics, social networking tools and legacy IT. He holds the highest certification of Black Belt for Six Sigma and has in-depth expertise in leading scaled, global industrial organizations and complex application / infrastructure portfolios as well as Digital Transformation projects. He is the author of “Happiness Level Agreement”, which links digital operations with user satisfaction. He is a co-author of “Houston we have a… project”, which presents various experiences in the project management domain. 

Piotr is tri-lingual and holds an MBA from the Manchester Business School; an MS in Computer Science from Warsaw University of Technology and is a graduate of the HEC Paris executive program.




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